Frequently asked questions.

What is Lincoln G.O.L.D.?

Lincoln G.O.L.D. is a two-fold program that stands for Girls Organization for Leadership and Development. Our goal is to provide educational and philanthropic activities for high junior and senior girls. Each G.O.L.D. Girl participates in educational classes focused on leadership skills to prepare them for life after high school. They also volunteer in the community and learn basic fundraising skills. The second part of Lincoln G.O.L.D. is the scholarship program. The scholarship targets high school seniors, both boys and girls who demonstrate leadership and community service in their school and community. The G.O.L.D. Girls help to raise money for the scholarship fund as part of their fundraising skills training. The G.O.L.D. Girls are not eligible for the scholarship.

What does it cost to participate in Lincoln G.O.L.D. and what is the money used for?

Lincoln G.O.L.D. has a $1,000 membership fee. The membership fee allows us to host educational classes, some of our community service events, and our annual gala. The membership fees can be paid in full or a payment plan can be made. We strongly believe that investing in your growth and development helps with your commitment to the program. The membership fee also includes the cost of three gala tickets (one for the G.O.L.D. Girl and two of her guests, typically parents). Any leftover monies are transferred directly to the scholarship fund which promotes our peer-to-peer giving.

How often do you meet? What is the commitment like?

The average time commitment for a Lincoln G.O.L.D. Girl is 4-6 hours (approximately 2-3 meetings) per month. These meetings typically take place on Tuesdays at 4:00pm, but we are accommodating to our speaker’s schedules. The speakers for our educational classes are leaders within their organization so we expect timely attendance at these events. Attendance is required at all G.O.L.D. events, however, we recognize school activities as an excused absence. This year the community service projects will be completed on the G.O.L.D. Girls own time.

Parent Testimonials.